Popular Tattoo Removals to Avoid NOW!
Tattoo removal is booming. The industry is worth billions and growing annually. We love getting tattooed, but it seems we also like making mistakes in our choices. Whether it’s just a reminder of time…
Tags:bad tattoosremovaltattoo mistakes
Tattoo removal is booming. The industry is worth billions and growing annually. We love getting tattooed, but it seems we also like making mistakes in our choices. Whether it’s just a reminder of time…
Tags:clicheconnecting tattoosdesigns
For many, their sister is their best friend and the person who has been there from day one. Being able to express your sisterhood in your ink can be a beautiful way to remind yourself of their support…
Tags:placementsexysexy tattoos
I remember trying to position my first tattoo. It was the age of the “tramp stamp” when all girls had a tattoo peeking above their jeans in an effort to draw your eyes there. Thankfully, while the low…
Tags:relationship tattoostattoo mistakesterrible tattoos
Relationship tattoos can be cute but they're typically also a horrible idea. Someone once told me that even if they knew it was going to be forever it would still be a "no”. Relationship tattoos are a…
Tags:styletattoo designstattoo styles
Taz. Nautical Stars. Feathers with birds. Dandelions. Infinity symbols. Barbed wire arm bands. There's probably hundreds of designs that you just wish you never had to see again. Having covered up hun…
Tags:beginner designsminimalminimalist
Chances are if you're looking for something small it's your first tattoo. Dipping your toe in by getting something small like a minimal tattoo is a great way of deciding that you want more without …
Tags:bad tattooscosmetic tattoosfacial tattoos
We've all have that friend who got their ex boyfriend's name, their ex girlfriend's face or some other stupid tattoo that they probably regret. It's no secret that there are more bad tattoos out there…
Tags:etiquettetattoo shoptattoos
Most experienced clients know that there is a certain etiquette to be expected in a tattoo parlor. Most artists, and other clients, will judge you for your behavior and it may affect your service. Man…
Tags:2017popular tattoostattoo trends
If you look back at trendy tattoos from ten years ago or even two years ago the style and look has changed so much! Two years ago we were all about teeny finger tattoos in occult symbols, and then we …
Tags:CelebrityDr WooEmily Rose Murray
A photo posted by Sasha Unisex (@sashaunisex) on Jan 23, 2017 at 10:37am PST There are so many amazing tattooists out there it’s hard to know where to start! Well, you’re in luck. Here …