The Tattoo Coverup Technique that Will Make Stretch Marks Disappear

Tattoo Stretchmarks

It’s pretty common to have girls coming into tattoo shops for tattoo coverups to hide stretch marks. It doesn’t matter whether they’ve gained their stripes through pregnancy or just over time, they typically aren’t looked at as a beauty mark. Expensive laser treatments aren’t an option for the average woman. This is why the new trend of stretch mark camouflage has become so popular in the tattoo community!

Unlike the typical coverups, these tattoos fill in the lighter spaces to match the person’s original skin tone so that they’re much harder to detect with the eye.

Stretch marks are a form of scarring that happens when the dermis layer tears from rapid body growth. This scar tissue forms from incomplete collagen bonds which is why they’re off color. The proper term is striae, and though they may fade over time they can be a constant struggle for some. They can even cause itching and irritation or a burning feeling when they first appear.

Other than laser there’s no proven treatment to make stretch marks disappear but tattoo camouflage works surprisingly well to deal with this cosmetic nuisance.

Tattoo over stretch marks#stretchmarks #tattoostretchmarks #tattoofixers #coverupstretchmarks #sacredtattoos

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Tattoo artist Rodolpho Torres will make your stretch marks disappear

One of the best-known names in the industry for this process is Rodolpho Torres, an artist based in Sao Paulo Brazil. He uses a technique that’s similar to cosmetic tattooing where he matches the original color of the skin and then tattoos that color into the stretch marks, filling in the lighter lines and blending them into the surrounding skin. While you’ll still be able to feel the depression from the stretch mark it’s much harder to see. This isn’t the only type of tattoo he does, and he works on custom designs too, but it’s his camouflage technique has been all over the news. His Instagram alone will show you how clever his process is and just why people keep coming back.

This process attracts many who never thought they would get a tattoo, and since the “tattoo” is invisible many don’t even consider it to be a real tattoo.

Fully healed from a few months ago, one of my favorites from last year!

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On Cosmetic Tattooing

If you’re considering this process done it’s very important to go to someone with experience in it or who is licensed in cosmetic tattooing. Unlike a traditional tattoo the skin tone has to be perfectly matched and it isn’t something that can just be poured out of a bottle. Cosmetic tattooing uses an entirely different ink altogether! The danger here is that not only are your stretch marks not covered but they end up being more noticeable so you have literal stripes tattooed on you.

If you have stretch marks it’s something you should consider rather than getting a traditional tattoo that’s meaningless just to cover them up. In fact, if your stretch marks are significant you might have to get a massive tattoo just to try and cover them, while this leaves your skin looking just like it used to.

What Torres is doing is quite clever, and it’s great to have another option to a problem that has plagued some of us for decades. Would you try it?

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